Reservation and availability
A massage booking variation 1
The date of the visit must be agreed in advance and ordered by phone or whatsApp at least 1 day before. If I do not pick up the phone, I work and devote myself to the ordered clientplease call later. It is ideal to call in the morning from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00h.
Thank you for understanding.

A massage booking variation 2
Online booking: I will confirm your reservation as soon as possible min 2 days before your visit. In the case of a busy date, we will choose an alternative date together.
Thank you for understanding
Objednávky v mé masérské provozovně jsou závazné a slouží výhradně pro vážné zájemce o mé masérské služby
! Orders in my massage establishment are binding and serve exclusively for those seriously interested in my massage services!
Karlovy Vary
+420 776 636 199 Viber WhatsApp
Parking is available directly opposite the studio
Opening hours:
Mo - Fr: 8:00 - 18:00
Suturday: 8:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 8:00 - 12:00 on demand
Opening hours during the holidays: yes